Over the past decade, the human microbiome as an avenue for new drug discovery and development has gained significant attention from academics, industry professionals, funding agencies and investors. However, much of the data to date has only provided correlative evidence of clinical applications, leaving many technical challenges and unknowns.
To realize the potential of this growing body of evidence from the human microbiome, the Consortium on Translational Research in the Micobiome is working to address the factors limiting translation of these expanding, fascinating, results into novel diagnostics and effective therapeutics. The first webinar in the series will be held on Tuesday, October 16, 2018, 11:30-1:00 pm EDT
Scott A. Jackson, Ph.D., Leader, Complex Microbial Systems Group, Biosystems and Biomaterials Division – NIST
Dev Mittar, Ph.D., Lead Scientist, Microbiology R&D – ATCC
Moderated by: Keith Bostian, PhD., CEO ILSE